all postcodes in PO1 / SOUTHSEA

find any address or company within the PO1 postcode district

Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO1 1JY 2 2 50.798858 -1.087144
PO1 1LA 22 0 50.799407 -1.087005
PO1 1LB 20 0 50.798502 -1.086242
PO1 1LD 3 1 50.799358 -1.086481
PO1 1LE 35 0 50.798564 -1.083815
PO1 1LF 10 0 50.798425 -1.084442
PO1 1LG 3 0 50.798068 -1.084761
PO1 1LJ 25 0 50.797951 -1.083557
PO1 1LL 37 0 50.797893 -1.081955
PO1 1LP 41 0 50.798232 -1.082743
PO1 1LQ 19 0 50.798008 -1.084038
PO1 1LR 33 0 50.79876 -1.082477
PO1 1LU 30 0 50.799245 -1.083489
PO1 1LX 2 1 50.799981 -1.079942
PO1 1NA 3 3 50.798607 -1.087063
PO1 1NB 11 10 50.800187 -1.088948
PO1 1ND 2 2 50.799914 -1.087578
PO1 1NG 14 0 50.799926 -1.084384
PO1 1NH 37 1 50.799919 -1.083448
PO1 1NJ 6 2 50.800097 -1.07869