all postcodes in PO1 / SOUTHSEA

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO1 1RF 53 0 50.797201 -1.07862
PO1 1RG 40 0 50.797645 -1.079065
PO1 1RH 39 0 50.798214 -1.081594
PO1 1RQ 42 0 50.797191 -1.079642
PO1 1RS 1 1 50.800867 -1.087417
PO1 1RX 1 1 50.798991 -1.085566
PO1 1SA 1 0 50.799985 -1.087292
PO1 1SD 5 2 50.798858 -1.077807
PO1 1SL 6 4 50.798589 -1.077869
PO1 1ZP 1 1 50.799149 -1.088401
PO1 1JZ 2 0 50.800127 -1.079187
PO1 1JR 2 0 50.800048 -1.079529
PO1 1AN 0 50.799961 -1.079573
PO1 1NF 1 1 50.80019 -1.081257
PO1 1AW 5 0 50.801295 -1.077759
PO1 1QS 0 50.801929 -1.080599
PO1 1AQ 0 50.799167 -1.090813
PO1 1BH 1 1 50.800897 -1.089077
PO1 1DH 1 50.800454 -1.092065
PO1 1QP 2 2 50.800658 -1.077984