all postcodes in PO11 / HAYLING ISLAND

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO11 9DD 47 3 50.792489 -0.97843
PO11 9DE 32 0 50.791137 -0.978844
PO11 9DG 22 0 50.790473 -0.978022
PO11 9DH 25 2 50.79376 -0.974474
PO11 9DJ 29 0 50.794255 -0.971356
PO11 9DL 4 1 50.794952 -0.966857
PO11 9DN 19 0 50.793271 -0.973023
PO11 9DP 25 0 50.793325 -0.970936
PO11 9DR 34 0 50.793331 -0.969631
PO11 9DS 37 0 50.794881 -0.974052
PO11 9DT 1 0 50.79014 -0.987222
PO11 9DU 20 0 50.794675 -0.975192
PO11 9DW 16 0 50.792438 -0.972332
PO11 9DX 24 0 50.795302 -0.972851
PO11 9DY 64 0 50.795204 -0.970923
PO11 9EA 43 10 50.789109 -0.977496
PO11 9EB 1 1 50.788047 -0.977252
PO11 9ED 31 4 50.792498 -0.977183
PO11 9EE 1 1 50.791539 -0.977502
PO11 9EF 64 25 50.788971 -0.976919