all postcodes in PO11 / HAYLING ISLAND

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO11 9AZ 18 0 50.78998 -0.981281
PO11 9BA 16 0 50.790232 -0.979219
PO11 9BB 15 0 50.790135 -0.980483
PO11 9BD 19 0 50.790608 -0.980047
PO11 9BE 8 0 50.789148 -0.979739
PO11 9BG 22 13 50.787847 -0.975937
PO11 9BH 1 1 50.787478 -0.975931
PO11 9BL 21 10 50.787512 -0.975703
PO11 9BN 31 1 50.78933 -0.975805
PO11 9BP 45 0 50.789585 -0.974125
PO11 9BQ 8 0 50.779589 -0.955576
PO11 9BS 10 2 50.787505 -0.974937
PO11 9BT 10 0 50.782265 -0.953958
PO11 9BU 3 0 50.788071 -0.971775
PO11 9BW 38 1 50.789541 -0.975304
PO11 9BX 29 0 50.787351 -0.971649
PO11 9BY 38 6 50.789833 -0.986066
PO11 9BZ 12 0 50.791065 -0.97581
PO11 9DA 1 1 50.789872 -0.986462
PO11 9DB 53 0 50.790563 -0.982091