all postcodes in PO14 / FAREHAM

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO14 1SR 6 0 50.849588 -1.205196
PO14 1SS 7 0 50.849101 -1.204975
PO14 1ST 15 0 50.849832 -1.205388
PO14 1SU 3 0 50.849546 -1.2043
PO14 1SW 48 0 50.85029 -1.206588
PO14 1SX 11 0 50.850144 -1.203579
PO14 1SY 32 0 50.850933 -1.203253
PO14 1SZ 25 0 50.8506 -1.204608
PO14 1TA 8 0 50.850013 -1.201607
PO14 1TD 24 0 50.850736 -1.206027
PO14 1TH 29 14 50.841372 -1.184739
PO14 1TL 2 2 50.836301 -1.182458
PO14 1TP 19 15 50.834513 -1.185201
PO14 1TR 1 1 50.833798 -1.185752
PO14 1TS 4 4 50.835912 -1.18458
PO14 1TT 2 2 50.833704 -1.183966
PO14 1TU 1 1 50.83639 -1.186033
PO14 1TY 18 14 50.83552 -1.182583
PO14 1TZ 2 2 50.834633 -1.186903
PO14 1UX 1 1 50.834906 -1.186017