all postcodes in PO14 / FAREHAM

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO14 1YN 1 1 50.843144 -1.187464
PO14 1YW 1 1 50.843144 -1.187464
PO14 1ZJ 1 1 50.843144 -1.187464
PO14 1ZT 1 1 50.843144 -1.187464
PO14 1PN 0 50.851252 -1.203901
PO14 1RQ 7 0 50.849226 -1.208865
PO14 1BJ 1 50.844733 -1.192239
PO14 1GZ 44 0 50.846891 -1.190922
PO14 1AQ 28 0 50.852848 -1.194129
PO14 1PJ 0 50.849637 -1.192636
PO14 1FG 1 50.845955 -1.201193
PO14 1FE 0 50.845586 -1.201185
PO14 1FA 0 50.845292 -1.201533
PO14 1FF 7 0 50.849323 -1.209914
PO14 1AX 0 50.825758 -1.190889
PO14 1FJ 25 0 50.850031 -1.198838
PO14 1FL 12 0 50.850328 -1.198975
PO14 1FQ 4 0 50.850163 -1.19841
PO14 1FR 3 0 50.850378 -1.198392
PO14 1FS 9 0 50.849536 -1.19754