all postcodes in PO16 / FAREHAM

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO16 0UF 0 50.84465 -1.18552
PO16 0UG 0 50.844891 -1.185161
PO16 0UH 0 50.843886 -1.185477
PO16 0UJ 0 50.843881 -1.184809
PO16 0UL 0 50.848453 -1.181477
PO16 0UN 0 50.842709 -1.180555
PO16 0UP 0 50.843287 -1.184777
PO16 0UQ 0 50.84421 -1.185613
PO16 0UT 4 50.85345 -1.191419
PO16 0UU 0 50.852469 -1.191308
PO16 0UW 0 50.842475 -1.180474
PO16 0WW 1 50.843144 -1.187464
PO16 0XH 2 50.848297 -1.179818
PO16 0XJ 0 50.847897 -1.180393
PO16 0XL 0 50.846613 -1.180714
PO16 0XR 6 50.848089 -1.179637
PO16 0YL 1 50.843144 -1.187464
PO16 0BT 2 50.851954 -1.178006
PO16 0BU 1 50.851946 -1.176955
PO16 0BX 4 50.851643 -1.178637