all postcodes in PO16 / FAREHAM

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO16 0QR 2 50.847431 -1.180628
PO16 0QS 5 50.842127 -1.179614
PO16 0QU 0 50.851914 -1.173617
PO16 0QW 3 50.844732 -1.182976
PO16 0RA 3 50.847527 -1.178923
PO16 0RB 0 50.845787 -1.179592
PO16 0RD 0 50.847141 -1.180292
PO16 0RE 0 50.847227 -1.179822
PO16 0RG 3 50.846486 -1.179295
PO16 0RH 0 50.847657 -1.179573
PO16 0RJ 1 50.846483 -1.178855
PO16 0RL 0 50.845616 -1.178373
PO16 0RP 0 50.845793 -1.179109
PO16 0RS 0 50.845278 -1.181348
PO16 0RT 0 50.84572 -1.180289
PO16 0RU 0 50.845748 -1.18168
PO16 0RX 0 50.84486 -1.182079
PO16 0SA 0 50.845117 -1.180299
PO16 0SB 0 50.84526 -1.17882
PO16 0SD 0 50.844921 -1.177874