all postcodes in PO18 / CHICHESTER

find any address or company within the PO18 postcode district

Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO18 0AA 4 0 50.864906 -0.783792
PO18 0AB 6 0 50.864484 -0.779526
PO18 0AD 7 0 50.865264 -0.781907
PO18 0AE 25 0 50.870687 -0.785347
PO18 0AF 4 0 50.870637 -0.784893
PO18 0AG 8 0 50.869204 -0.773371
PO18 0AH 21 1 50.86927 -0.777127
PO18 0AJ 3 0 50.8651 -0.771305
PO18 0AL 1 0 50.867259 -0.775758
PO18 0AP 3 0 50.860914 -0.770136
PO18 0AQ 11 0 50.867876 -0.774543
PO18 0AR 4 0 50.870623 -0.772401
PO18 0AS 2 0 50.874828 -0.759252
PO18 0AT 3 1 50.869731 -0.778266
PO18 0AU 9 0 50.870165 -0.773266
PO18 0AW 7 0 50.871156 -0.764926
PO18 0AX 11 1 50.869368 -0.774523
PO18 0AY 34 0 50.872388 -0.785516
PO18 0AZ 51 0 50.874626 -0.786239
PO18 0BA 6 0 50.868689 -0.774939