all postcodes in PO18 / CHICHESTER

find any address or company within the PO18 postcode district

Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO18 8RN 0 50.843761 -0.889009
PO18 8RP 0 50.843483 -0.885393
PO18 8RQ 4 50.851969 -0.885987
PO18 8RR 0 50.843418 -0.884173
PO18 8RS 1 50.843011 -0.883984
PO18 8RT 1 50.843125 -0.89124
PO18 8RU 0 50.842853 -0.894754
PO18 8RW 0 50.844349 -0.8856
PO18 8RX 1 50.843391 -0.893674
PO18 8RY 1 50.843897 -0.897698
PO18 8RZ 1 50.843415 -0.898079
PO18 8SA 0 50.842015 -0.899305
PO18 8SB 1 50.843109 -0.896211
PO18 8SD 0 50.843518 -0.89569
PO18 8SE 0 50.843664 -0.896851
PO18 8SF 0 50.843386 -0.896972
PO18 8SH 0 50.845567 -0.883196
PO18 8SJ 0 50.845661 -0.884631
PO18 8SL 0 50.844823 -0.884424
PO18 8SN 0 50.844485 -0.882955