all postcodes in PO19 / CHICHESTER

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO19 7JP 7 1 50.836448 -0.7705
PO19 7JQ 1 1 50.836052 -0.773039
PO19 7JR 27 9 50.836147 -0.768336
PO19 7JU 29 17 50.841119 -0.76151
PO19 7JX 10 0 50.836011 -0.769106
PO19 7JY 16 0 50.840881 -0.768708
PO19 7JZ 16 0 50.840527 -0.768391
PO19 7LA 30 0 50.837239 -0.767095
PO19 7LD 8 0 50.837282 -0.771103
PO19 7LG 50 2 50.837718 -0.768152
PO19 7LH 24 0 50.837565 -0.770698
PO19 7LJ 4 3 50.836758 -0.77346
PO19 7LP 12 0 50.838734 -0.768083
PO19 7LQ 11 0 50.838385 -0.767424
PO19 7LR 8 0 50.839265 -0.76733
PO19 7LS 42 7 50.83928 -0.767841
PO19 7LT 36 4 50.838365 -0.769792
PO19 7LU 10 0 50.837802 -0.77099
PO19 7LW 5 1 50.838487 -0.768567
PO19 7LX 21 0 50.838904 -0.771482