all postcodes in PO19 / CHICHESTER

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO19 1TJ 5 50.835715 -0.777706
PO19 1TL 1 50.835957 -0.777642
PO19 1TQ 1 50.835646 -0.777991
PO19 1TR 4 50.834903 -0.7775
PO19 1TY 1 50.834716 -0.776818
PO19 1TZ 0 50.835406 -0.776644
PO19 1UA 3 50.835805 -0.77607
PO19 1UE 0 50.83511 -0.775833
PO19 1UF 2 50.835242 -0.776435
PO19 1UG 1 50.835332 -0.775557
PO19 1UL 0 50.838103 -0.774831
PO19 1UP 1 50.835788 -0.775261
PO19 1UR 1 50.835596 -0.774968
PO19 1UZ 1 50.832864 -0.777766
PO19 1WB 1 50.83077 -0.781342
PO19 1XB 2 50.832571 -0.77641
PO19 1XD 0 50.832462 -0.77708
PO19 1XE 0 50.832562 -0.777191
PO19 1XF 0 50.832219 -0.777167
PO19 1XP 1 50.834954 -0.779013