all postcodes in PO21 / BOGNOR REGIS

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO21 4DG 12 1 50.778342 -0.716764
PO21 4DH 20 0 50.777419 -0.71225
PO21 4DJ 8 0 50.776039 -0.715082
PO21 4DL 6 0 50.777108 -0.710074
PO21 4DN 11 0 50.777552 -0.708772
PO21 4DP 4 0 50.777933 -0.709867
PO21 4DQ 17 0 50.778217 -0.714427
PO21 4DR 2 0 50.777108 -0.708621
PO21 4DS 11 0 50.776356 -0.709677
PO21 4DT 15 0 50.776005 -0.711991
PO21 4DU 32 0 50.776715 -0.71522
PO21 4DW 27 0 50.778191 -0.710484
PO21 4DX 16 7 50.777417 -0.716945
PO21 4DY 10 0 50.778296 -0.717559
PO21 4DZ 7 0 50.776829 -0.717458
PO21 4EA 1 0 50.777579 -0.717763
PO21 4EB 18 0 50.775831 -0.716634
PO21 4ED 15 1 50.775481 -0.717537
PO21 4EF 6 0 50.774973 -0.718714
PO21 4EG 18 0 50.77911 -0.712275