all postcodes in PO21 / BOGNOR REGIS

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO21 4LL 8 0 50.777802 -0.720041
PO21 4LN 42 0 50.781259 -0.720358
PO21 4LP 9 0 50.778679 -0.719691
PO21 4LQ 11 0 50.778269 -0.722411
PO21 4LR 30 0 50.779322 -0.719219
PO21 4LS 30 0 50.779899 -0.718565
PO21 4LT 11 0 50.780067 -0.71178
PO21 4LU 7 0 50.779013 -0.726291
PO21 4LW 26 0 50.780084 -0.720688
PO21 4LX 21 0 50.778105 -0.72721
PO21 4LY 11 0 50.777063 -0.726444
PO21 4LZ 17 0 50.776572 -0.725166
PO21 4NA 10 0 50.776085 -0.727534
PO21 4NB 35 0 50.776265 -0.728323
PO21 4ND 7 0 50.779072 -0.727609
PO21 4NE 17 0 50.779667 -0.710586
PO21 4NF 6 0 50.780306 -0.710568
PO21 4NG 16 2 50.778873 -0.738295
PO21 4NH 18 0 50.777696 -0.73505
PO21 4NJ 13 3 50.77781 -0.738082