all postcodes in PO22 / BOGNOR REGIS

find any address or company within the PO22 postcode district

Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO22 6DL 16 0 50.793986 -0.627187
PO22 6DN 23 0 50.794879 -0.627431
PO22 6DP 10 0 50.793389 -0.625389
PO22 6DR 23 1 50.795099 -0.623948
PO22 6DS 7 0 50.795549 -0.620955
PO22 6DT 11 0 50.795607 -0.618995
PO22 6DU 1 0 50.796107 -0.618654
PO22 6DW 10 0 50.794414 -0.626891
PO22 6DX 11 0 50.796975 -0.61833
PO22 6DY 15 2 50.800128 -0.618067
PO22 6DZ 13 6 50.795115 -0.617718
PO22 6EB 14 0 50.79611 -0.616696
PO22 6ED 8 0 50.79626 -0.617912
PO22 6EE 5 2 50.797053 -0.615802
PO22 6EF 10 0 50.797052 -0.617264
PO22 6EG 14 0 50.796103 -0.615362
PO22 6EH 13 2 50.794912 -0.615724
PO22 6EL 1 0 50.794714 -0.619532
PO22 6EP 5 5 50.803169 -0.634965
PO22 6EQ 15 0 50.795477 -0.615622