all postcodes in PO22 / BOGNOR REGIS

find any address or company within the PO22 postcode district

Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO22 0FG 0 50.830515 -0.633294
PO22 0FF 1 0 50.835471 -0.646428
PO22 6AA 5 1 50.79474 -0.63785
PO22 6AB 13 2 50.795248 -0.636685
PO22 6AD 6 0 50.795496 -0.637132
PO22 6AE 13 1 50.796299 -0.636556
PO22 6AF 3 1 50.796344 -0.635774
PO22 6AG 4 0 50.796757 -0.635705
PO22 6AH 35 1 50.798324 -0.635149
PO22 6AJ 6 0 50.798554 -0.634141
PO22 6AL 8 0 50.798401 -0.633302
PO22 6AN 20 0 50.799077 -0.633395
PO22 6AP 9 0 50.796825 -0.633844
PO22 6AQ 5 0 50.797549 -0.63581
PO22 6AR 19 0 50.797394 -0.633317
PO22 6AS 9 0 50.798246 -0.632299
PO22 6AT 6 0 50.798085 -0.631636
PO22 6AU 9 0 50.797677 -0.632074
PO22 6AW 21 0 50.79755 -0.634348
PO22 6AX 10 0 50.798873 -0.632862