all postcodes in PO30 / EAST COWES

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO30 5UF 29 0 50.719347 -1.305368
PO30 5UH 7 0 50.725645 -1.338314
PO30 5UJ 1 0 50.728639 -1.328751
PO30 5UL 2 1 50.712054 -1.32419
PO30 5UP 2 0 50.717082 -1.30287
PO30 5UR 17 0 50.69941 -1.324004
PO30 5US 19 0 50.717525 -1.287972
PO30 5UT 3 0 50.706783 -1.300668
PO30 5UU 8 7 50.704799 -1.292701
PO30 5UX 42 34 50.706525 -1.293605
PO30 5UY 1 1 50.704625 -1.294724
PO30 5WH 4 0 50.711702 -1.311576
PO30 5WS 1 1 50.709968 -1.293369
PO30 5WT 1 1 50.709269 -1.292346
PO30 5WU 1 1 50.71294 -1.291214
PO30 5WX 10 0 50.698229 -1.300285
PO30 5WZ 1 1 50.711597 -1.292169
PO30 5XA 6 4 50.70925 -1.298195
PO30 5XB 17 13 50.709314 -1.296764
PO30 5XD 7 4 50.710377 -1.297187