all postcodes in PO31 / COWES

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO31 7FD 13 0 50.753078 -1.307085
PO31 7FG 23 0 50.752985 -1.309539
PO31 7FH 15 0 50.753291 -1.309232
PO31 7FJ 14 0 50.753831 -1.309295
PO31 7FL 13 0 50.75412 -1.308402
PO31 7FN 10 0 50.754526 -1.308293
PO31 7FP 6 0 50.754854 -1.307739
PO31 7FR 7 0 50.760069 -1.296755
PO31 7QN 13 8 50.764985 -1.299465
PO31 7FS 8 0 50.765402 -1.299766
PO31 7HA 22 0 50.754585 -1.303306
PO31 7HB 36 0 50.752909 -1.302891
PO31 7HD 15 0 50.751967 -1.302901
PO31 7HE 19 0 50.752531 -1.299821
PO31 7HF 23 0 50.753445 -1.299141
PO31 7HG 8 0 50.754281 -1.299114
PO31 7HH 9 0 50.754079 -1.300011
PO31 7HJ 41 0 50.756251 -1.300673
PO31 7HL 26 0 50.756602 -1.299335
PO31 7HN 11 0 50.757211 -1.298584