all postcodes in PO33 / RYDE

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO33 4BE 1 50.713641 -1.158487
PO33 4AA 5 0 50.731391 -1.233961
PO33 4AL 13 0 50.702852 -1.169304
PO33 4AP 3 1 50.69832 -1.151426
PO33 4AR 2 0 50.692914 -1.159088
PO33 4AS 4 0 50.691908 -1.171405
PO33 4AT 3 0 50.692638 -1.174181
PO33 4AU 4 0 50.69207 -1.177787
PO33 4AX 5 0 50.691171 -1.1907
PO33 4AY 5 0 50.696524 -1.174368
PO33 4AZ 2 0 50.697588 -1.170048
PO33 4BA 3 0 50.698672 -1.171654
PO33 4BB 35 4 50.702801 -1.168098
PO33 4BD 7 1 50.70699 -1.165319
PO33 4BF 1 1 50.716472 -1.163224
PO33 4BH 4 4 50.710365 -1.164781
PO33 4BJ 1 0 50.700693 -1.182847
PO33 4BL 1 0 50.697219 -1.201824
PO33 4BP 12 1 50.710024 -1.177147
PO33 4BS 13 0 50.707258 -1.181487