all postcodes in PO36 / SHANKLIN

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO36 8JB 29 0 50.654924 -1.155773
PO36 8JD 10 0 50.654412 -1.155839
PO36 8JE 14 1 50.655577 -1.155638
PO36 8JF 2 0 50.655319 -1.155968
PO36 8JG 19 2 50.655707 -1.157089
PO36 8JJ 26 1 50.654692 -1.157662
PO36 8JN 4 0 50.654654 -1.158597
PO36 8JP 1 1 50.653127 -1.155933
PO36 8JQ 31 3 50.655757 -1.158195
PO36 8JR 23 9 50.653385 -1.155546
PO36 8JS 56 2 50.651834 -1.157512
PO36 8JT 4 4 50.65267 -1.15535
PO36 8JW 21 2 50.653919 -1.156431
PO36 8JX 1 1 50.652778 -1.156208
PO36 8JZ 4 0 50.65585 -1.158176
PO36 8LB 1 1 50.653851 -1.154081
PO36 8LE 3 1 50.654138 -1.158111
PO36 8LF 5 2 50.654225 -1.158958
PO36 8LJ 7 0 50.653495 -1.157401
PO36 8LL 1 0 50.653495 -1.157072