all postcodes in PO36 / SHANKLIN

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO36 8LP 14 2 50.653435 -1.157812
PO36 8LR 1 1 50.653483 -1.157062
PO36 8LT 35 4 50.653255 -1.156585
PO36 8LU 6 0 50.653002 -1.15725
PO36 8LX 1 1 50.6539 -1.155862
PO36 8LY 20 0 50.65236 -1.15804
PO36 8LZ 31 1 50.653243 -1.158749
PO36 8NA 16 3 50.652547 -1.159497
PO36 8NB 22 2 50.652786 -1.160186
PO36 8ND 21 1 50.652 -1.160578
PO36 8NE 26 0 50.651111 -1.159834
PO36 8NF 3 0 50.651639 -1.160801
PO36 8NL 12 0 50.64953 -1.162178
PO36 8NP 2 0 50.650084 -1.162073
PO36 8NR 4 0 50.649034 -1.162017
PO36 8NS 24 0 50.648022 -1.163029
PO36 8NT 20 0 50.648227 -1.163973
PO36 8NU 54 0 50.648633 -1.162505
PO36 8NX 28 1 50.649557 -1.163865
PO36 8NY 9 0 50.649406 -1.162793