all postcodes in PO7 / WATERLOOVILLE

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO7 5BP 10 0 50.865589 -1.042671
PO7 5BQ 34 0 50.857634 -1.051884
PO7 5BS 24 0 50.857194 -1.049846
PO7 5BT 19 0 50.855347 -1.050467
PO7 5BU 4 0 50.855263 -1.051151
PO7 5BX 8 0 50.856449 -1.049905
PO7 5BY 41 0 50.855843 -1.046195
PO7 5BZ 27 0 50.855465 -1.048291
PO7 5DA 26 0 50.855752 -1.043867
PO7 5DB 36 0 50.857117 -1.045757
PO7 5DD 33 0 50.85765 -1.040674
PO7 5DE 41 0 50.856726 -1.046319
PO7 5DF 28 0 50.857307 -1.040482
PO7 5DG 16 0 50.85713 -1.048541
PO7 5DH 22 0 50.856819 -1.039086
PO7 5DJ 8 0 50.857421 -1.044472
PO7 5DL 22 0 50.858962 -1.04714
PO7 5DN 34 0 50.858295 -1.045804
PO7 5DP 30 0 50.859396 -1.041917
PO7 5DQ 17 0 50.857345 -1.038478