all postcodes in PO7 / WATERLOOVILLE

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO7 3AB 9 0 50.881278 -1.042305
PO7 3AD 11 0 50.881206 -1.041198
PO7 3AE 3 0 50.881217 -1.040245
PO7 3AF 11 0 50.881454 -1.040624
PO7 3AG 8 0 50.881027 -1.041201
PO7 3AH 5 0 50.880877 -1.041631
PO7 3AJ 19 0 50.880669 -1.041422
PO7 3AL 9 0 50.88133 -1.03979
PO7 3AN 6 0 50.880561 -1.039209
PO7 3AP 12 0 50.880778 -1.039332
PO7 3AQ 2 0 50.880771 -1.039686
PO7 3AR 8 0 50.880162 -1.042157
PO7 3AS 23 0 50.880249 -1.040651
PO7 3AT 5 0 50.880258 -1.039554
PO7 3AU 11 0 50.879985 -1.040256
PO7 3AW 22 0 50.879752 -1.040391
PO7 3AX 6 0 50.87971 -1.038558
PO7 3AY 6 0 50.880085 -1.038266
PO7 3AZ 4 0 50.879938 -1.038937
PO7 3BA 4 0 50.879977 -1.041523