all postcodes in PO7 / WATERLOOVILLE

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO7 6BB 0 50.890643 -1.041532
PO7 6BD 0 50.888825 -1.037034
PO7 6BE 0 50.890712 -1.035772
PO7 6BG 0 50.888909 -1.038539
PO7 6BJ 0 50.891787 -1.047295
PO7 6BL 0 50.89168 -1.046316
PO7 6BN 0 50.892829 -1.043862
PO7 6BP 0 50.892501 -1.036802
PO7 6BS 0 50.892732 -1.034238
PO7 6BT 0 50.893466 -1.033867
PO7 6BU 0 50.892251 -1.034816
PO7 6BW 0 50.893011 -1.039791
PO7 6BX 0 50.892376 -1.039008
PO7 6BZ 6 50.896494 -1.069012
PO7 6DA 0 50.892458 -1.043599
PO7 6DB 0 50.892078 -1.043294
PO7 6DD 0 50.891962 -1.039045
PO7 6DH 0 50.891456 -1.038714
PO7 6DJ 0 50.891743 -1.042974
PO7 6DL 0 50.899073 -1.065335