all postcodes in PO7 / WATERLOOVILLE

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO7 8NF 0 50.888617 -1.008988
PO7 8NG 0 50.887692 -1.011254
PO7 8NH 0 50.888301 -1.009833
PO7 8NJ 0 50.887307 -1.010295
PO7 8NL 0 50.887017 -1.00905
PO7 8NN 0 50.886379 -1.010158
PO7 8NP 0 50.889492 -1.007192
PO7 8NQ 0 50.888202 -1.010916
PO7 8NR 0 50.880871 -1.016004
PO7 8NS 2 50.874302 -1.019752
PO7 8NT 1 50.887815 -1.014066
PO7 8NU 2 50.887661 -1.007558
PO7 8NW 0 50.886812 -1.009239
PO7 8NX 0 50.88658 -1.005193
PO7 8NY 0 50.879482 -1.013318
PO7 8NZ 0 50.880287 -1.013884
PO7 8PA 0 50.871748 -1.016508
PO7 8PB 0 50.872302 -1.016156
PO7 8PD 0 50.872422 -1.016452
PO7 8PE 0 50.872939 -1.015929