all postcodes in PO7 / WATERLOOVILLE

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO7 9AA 1 50.887417 -1.044015
PO7 9AF 1 50.887417 -1.044015
PO7 9AP 0 50.887417 -1.044015
PO7 9AR 1 50.887417 -1.044015
PO7 9DW 1 50.887417 -1.044015
PO7 9EA 1 1 50.887417 -1.044015
PO7 9ES 1 1 50.887417 -1.044015
PO7 9ET 1 1 50.887417 -1.044015
PO7 9EZ 1 50.887417 -1.044015
PO7 9PB 0 50.887417 -1.044015
PO7 9FG 1 50.887417 -1.044015
PO7 9FN 1 1 50.887417 -1.044015
PO7 9FQ 1 50.887417 -1.044015
PO7 9FT 1 0 50.887417 -1.044015
PO7 9FU 1 50.887417 -1.044015
PO7 9FX 1 1 50.887417 -1.044015
PO7 9FY 1 0 50.887417 -1.044015
PO7 9GD 1 1 50.887417 -1.044015
PO7 9GG 1 50.887408 -1.043999
PO7 9GJ 1 1 50.887408 -1.043999