all postcodes in PO7 / WATERLOOVILLE

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO7 3BD 2 0 50.880183 -1.039172
PO7 3BE 1 0 50.881351 -1.046781
PO7 3BH 2 0 50.881853 -1.039976
PO7 3BJ 4 0 50.88156 -1.039328
PO7 3BL 1 0 50.881511 -1.039983
PO7 4QH 2 0 50.907064 -1.113105
PO7 4QJ 4 0 50.901677 -1.120432
PO7 4QL 7 0 50.92462 -1.085667
PO7 4QN 1 0 50.920801 -1.083764
PO7 4QP 8 0 50.915236 -1.100133
PO7 4QR 4 0 50.911003 -1.096986
PO7 4QS 5 0 50.909984 -1.093151
PO7 4QT 2 0 50.908443 -1.095982
PO7 4QU 20 2 50.9056 -1.102736
PO7 4QW 6 0 50.918974 -1.089306
PO7 4QA 5 0 50.900367 -1.104273
PO7 4QX 7 1 50.902553 -1.105497
PO7 4QY 11 1 50.901513 -1.11533
PO7 4QG 1 0 50.900396 -1.110345
PO7 4QZ 4 1 50.910154 -1.110472