all postcodes in PO8 / WATERLOOVILLE

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO8 8BD 28 0 50.891165 -1.008251
PO8 8BE 7 0 50.890009 -1.008731
PO8 8BG 27 0 50.888883 -1.010603
PO8 8BQ 20 0 50.889109 -1.00966
PO8 8DA 10 1 50.889688 -1.023936
PO8 8DB 1 1 50.894911 -1.017329
PO8 8DD 3 0 50.891478 -1.021937
PO8 8DE 10 0 50.892367 -1.020681
PO8 8DF 16 6 50.893214 -1.019824
PO8 8DH 8 4 50.893687 -1.019315
PO8 8DL 13 5 50.894248 -1.017682
PO8 8DP 26 0 50.894393 -1.015676
PO8 8DR 37 1 50.894187 -1.014657
PO8 8DS 2 2 50.8941 -1.01396
PO8 8DT 52 0 50.893151 -1.013385
PO8 8DU 7 0 50.89332 -1.012045
PO8 8DW 39 0 50.89341 -1.016408
PO8 8DX 20 0 50.892842 -1.015112
PO8 8DY 31 0 50.894001 -1.016097
PO8 8DZ 47 0 50.895364 -1.014547