all postcodes in PO8 / WATERLOOVILLE

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO8 8SB 10 0 50.892375 -1.031274
PO8 8SD 13 0 50.893372 -1.031139
PO8 8SE 16 1 50.894227 -1.031292
PO8 8SF 27 0 50.895385 -1.03104
PO8 8SG 24 0 50.896566 -1.0314
PO8 8SH 20 0 50.89573 -1.031417
PO8 8SJ 12 0 50.897524 -1.032006
PO8 8SL 14 0 50.897052 -1.030338
PO8 8SN 12 0 50.898018 -1.031839
PO8 8SP 24 0 50.893918 -1.035265
PO8 8SQ 35 0 50.895569 -1.032572
PO8 8SR 34 0 50.895224 -1.035452
PO8 8SS 12 0 50.897739 -1.03075
PO8 8SY 12 0 50.897469 -1.029661
PO8 8TH 29 0 50.890877 -1.023115
PO8 8TJ 34 0 50.893464 -1.022831
PO8 8TL 37 0 50.893723 -1.022544
PO8 8TN 10 0 50.89447 -1.024817
PO8 8TP 37 0 50.894883 -1.025861
PO8 8TR 27 1 50.894304 -1.027508