all postcodes in PO9 / ROWLAND'S CASTLE

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO9 1HL 1 0 50.85289 -0.981929
PO9 1HS 49 19 50.846996 -1.001262
PO9 1HU 14 8 50.847534 -0.995824
PO9 1HT 7 0 50.849499 -0.980781
PO9 1HX 3 0 50.848597 -0.981525
PO9 1HZ 54 0 50.848649 -0.980274
PO9 1JA 45 0 50.847981 -0.981027
PO9 1JB 26 18 50.851124 -0.98765
PO9 1JH 18 6 50.849167 -0.991313
PO9 1JJ 1 1 50.847079 -0.993078
PO9 1JL 1 1 50.849452 -0.990911
PO9 1JN 6 5 50.846869 -0.99689
PO9 1JP 5 1 50.8477 -0.992156
PO9 1JR 1 1 50.848539 -0.992379
PO9 1JT 1 0 50.850611 -0.987689
PO9 1JU 3 3 50.848442 -0.994752
PO9 1JW 19 17 50.845466 -0.992742
PO9 1JX 8 0 50.852063 -0.986109
PO9 1LA 16 6 50.851746 -0.985816
PO9 1LD 20 0 50.852216 -0.988109