all postcodes in PR1 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR1 1LX 1 1 53.761519 -2.697967
PR1 1NA 17 7 53.769928 -2.704782
PR1 1NH 41 0 53.765418 -2.701506
PR1 1NJ 72 0 53.765224 -2.700729
PR1 1NN 42 0 53.773998 -2.708113
PR1 1NP 4 4 53.76802 -2.70073
PR1 1NQ 3 2 53.767775 -2.702531
PR1 1NR 4 4 53.768697 -2.70139
PR1 1NS 2 2 53.761329 -2.6979
PR1 1NT 14 8 53.766827 -2.701481
PR1 1PB 9 8 53.767337 -2.700688
PR1 1PE 11 5 53.768329 -2.699761
PR1 1PH 55 1 53.769922 -2.6997
PR1 1PJ 3 2 53.765982 -2.698739
PR1 1PL 9 9 53.76832 -2.698229
PR1 1PN 10 3 53.768577 -2.69887
PR1 1PP 23 2 53.768867 -2.698711
PR1 1PQ 7 0 53.769166 -2.699854
PR1 1PR 29 5 53.769265 -2.698278
PR1 1PS 35 1 53.768996 -2.698167