all postcodes in PR1 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR1 1PT 5 0 53.76883 -2.697436
PR1 1PU 21 0 53.766961 -2.695752
PR1 1PX 51 2 53.767981 -2.696557
PR1 1PY 6 3 53.767452 -2.697959
PR1 1QB 18 0 53.766316 -2.69392
PR1 1QE 18 14 53.766717 -2.697462
PR1 1QF 16 0 53.766511 -2.692695
PR1 1QG 20 0 53.765589 -2.693726
PR1 1QH 13 0 53.766427 -2.696395
PR1 1QJ 13 0 53.765968 -2.694977
PR1 1QL 33 1 53.765238 -2.693736
PR1 1QQ 28 0 53.765982 -2.692504
PR1 1QS 10 1 53.764996 -2.695264
PR1 1QU 44 0 53.764876 -2.694094
PR1 1QW 28 0 53.765916 -2.69314
PR1 1RA 3 2 53.759896 -2.695832
PR1 1RU 9 8 53.767157 -2.702278
PR1 1RX 1 1 53.766646 -2.701966
PR1 1RY 1 1 53.767117 -2.698318
PR1 1TS 57 23 53.764267 -2.69372