all postcodes in PR1 / PRESTON

find any address or company within the PR1 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR1 1DN 1 0 53.760192 -2.697077
PR1 1DQ 4 4 53.767995 -2.697301
PR1 1DT 10 1 53.760266 -2.694094
PR1 1DX 8 6 53.760286 -2.693669
PR1 1DY 25 0 53.760403 -2.693289
PR1 1EA 1 1 53.758805 -2.683907
PR1 1ED 50 0 53.76193 -2.690693
PR1 1EH 10 0 53.761285 -2.693473
PR1 1EL 18 0 53.760922 -2.692557
PR1 1EN 40 0 53.76066 -2.69272
PR1 1ET 26 0 53.76099 -2.691663
PR1 1FB 15 12 53.760838 -2.697713
PR1 1GP 1 1 53.75425 -2.708372
PR1 1HB 1 1 53.761313 -2.697903
PR1 1HJ 1 1 53.762428 -2.696223
PR1 1HR 21 11 53.759799 -2.69712
PR1 1HT 1 1 53.759643 -2.697511
PR1 1HX 3 0 53.766255 -2.704357
PR1 1HY 1 1 53.75425 -2.708372
PR1 1LA 12 10 53.769691 -2.705476