all postcodes in PR1 / PRESTON

find any address or company within the PR1 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR1 0YA 4 0 53.743048 -2.735552
PR1 0YB 32 0 53.742266 -2.734143
PR1 0YD 21 0 53.738484 -2.729377
PR1 0YE 31 0 53.740434 -2.735354
PR1 0YH 14 0 53.739899 -2.734723
PR1 0YJ 23 0 53.739856 -2.732903
PR1 0YQ 17 0 53.740737 -2.732888
PR1 0DA 3 0 53.749809 -2.733865
PR1 0AG 0 53.753548 -2.726238
PR1 0SJ 0 53.745091 -2.730735
PR1 0UN 0 53.74331 -2.732387
PR1 0PH 0 53.738997 -2.732312
PR1 1SB 0 53.762527 -2.696224
PR1 1AD 1 1 53.75425 -2.708372
PR1 1BA 1 1 53.76335 -2.704687
PR1 1DA 29 15 53.758898 -2.697363
PR1 1DD 12 12 53.760467 -2.698162
PR1 1DH 3 3 53.760557 -2.694918
PR1 1DJ 5 5 53.760551 -2.697129
PR1 1DL 20 0 53.759406 -2.696245