all postcodes in PR1 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR1 1XE 12 0 53.762831 -2.695031
PR1 1XP 31 0 53.762593 -2.691144
PR1 1YB 31 0 53.764987 -2.701377
PR1 1YD 18 0 53.764313 -2.699864
PR1 1YH 1 1 53.763526 -2.699184
PR1 1YN 3 0 53.763663 -2.698807
PR1 1YP 5 3 53.764336 -2.698542
PR1 1YQ 5 4 53.763717 -2.698777
PR1 1YT 8 8 53.761152 -2.696277
PR1 1YU 1 1 53.760794 -2.696014
PR1 1YR 1 53.765259 -2.699364
PR1 1JB 28 0 53.764141 -2.704534
PR1 1JD 45 0 53.763776 -2.704073
PR1 1JG 44 0 53.763735 -2.703007
PR1 1LR 77 1 53.765853 -2.703956
PR1 1LT 42 0 53.765853 -2.703956
PR1 1JP 0 53.764565 -2.704328
PR1 1UL 5 0 53.762742 -2.693209
PR1 1UJ 0 53.763572 -2.694361
PR1 1HQ 2 53.76129 -2.692533