all postcodes in PR1 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR1 1RD 4 4 53.766262 -2.700048
PR1 1JZ 2 0 53.764744 -2.704085
PR1 1TY 4 0 53.762993 -2.694545
PR1 1AF 1 53.762428 -2.696223
PR1 1NU 1 53.766226 -2.701152
PR1 1AJ 5 0 53.76387 -2.695579
PR1 1AG 2 0 53.764859 -2.695137
PR1 1UW 4 0 53.763467 -2.692326
PR1 1XG 0 53.763105 -2.694247
PR1 1XH 0 53.763105 -2.694247
PR1 1AR 1 1 53.763886 -2.695576
PR1 1ZB 0 53.764197 -2.699267
PR1 2AA 19 16 53.757333 -2.701838
PR1 2AB 20 12 53.758538 -2.703636
PR1 2AD 9 9 53.757737 -2.702333
PR1 2AE 10 10 53.758077 -2.70223
PR1 2AH 9 9 53.758363 -2.69975
PR1 2AP 4 4 53.758453 -2.699339
PR1 2AR 10 9 53.758876 -2.699698
PR1 2AT 26 21 53.760681 -2.704521