all postcodes in PR2 / PRESTON

find any address or company within the PR2 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR2 3DS 15 2 53.77603 -2.715704
PR2 3DT 20 0 53.775534 -2.715923
PR2 3DU 44 0 53.774258 -2.715916
PR2 3DX 5 0 53.775305 -2.716572
PR2 3DY 22 0 53.774927 -2.71523
PR2 3EA 41 0 53.77644 -2.711246
PR2 3EB 18 3 53.775631 -2.708717
PR2 3ED 7 0 53.773778 -2.715013
PR2 3EH 13 0 53.775887 -2.718463
PR2 3EJ 17 0 53.776436 -2.721386
PR2 3EL 14 0 53.792918 -2.720212
PR2 3EN 24 0 53.79269 -2.722287
PR2 3EP 26 0 53.791551 -2.723376
PR2 3EQ 20 0 53.790272 -2.722413
PR2 3ER 57 5 53.788552 -2.722839
PR2 3ES 39 0 53.785462 -2.72104
PR2 3ET 15 0 53.791632 -2.720417
PR2 3EU 31 0 53.790046 -2.721028
PR2 3EW 11 0 53.776097 -2.721031
PR2 3EX 16 0 53.79227 -2.720337