all postcodes in PR2 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR2 3EY 34 0 53.788962 -2.72488
PR2 3FD 12 0 53.776496 -2.709518
PR2 3FL 10 0 53.793373 -2.720857
PR2 3FN 20 0 53.791907 -2.722426
PR2 3FQ 16 0 53.78983 -2.724029
PR2 3FR 8 0 53.787555 -2.724248
PR2 3FT 10 0 53.791335 -2.721945
PR2 3FU 20 0 53.790285 -2.7217
PR2 3FX 14 0 53.792101 -2.721549
PR2 3FY 10 0 53.789245 -2.724156
PR2 3GA 40 0 53.783009 -2.750244
PR2 3GB 42 0 53.783571 -2.74954
PR2 3GD 26 0 53.783551 -2.736731
PR2 3GE 21 0 53.783091 -2.735539
PR2 3GG 42 0 53.782848 -2.737098
PR2 3GH 21 0 53.780712 -2.724677
PR2 3GJ 6 0 53.784009 -2.745481
PR2 3GQ 7 0 53.780708 -2.725451
PR2 3HA 8 0 53.78726 -2.72394
PR2 3HB 7 0 53.776638 -2.722103