all postcodes in PR25 / LEYLAND

find any address or company within the PR25 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR25 3BA 0 53.685795 -2.683616
PR25 3BB 0 53.685682 -2.695531
PR25 3BD 0 53.684144 -2.694037
PR25 3BE 0 53.685154 -2.693508
PR25 3BG 0 53.686889 -2.690297
PR25 3BH 0 53.68469 -2.692895
PR25 3BJ 0 53.687758 -2.694006
PR25 3BL 0 53.68363 -2.692772
PR25 3BN 0 53.68331 -2.692115
PR25 3BP 0 53.683792 -2.68805
PR25 3BQ 0 53.684098 -2.691144
PR25 3BS 0 53.684004 -2.687221
PR25 3BT 0 53.684574 -2.686443
PR25 3BU 0 53.682219 -2.69125
PR25 3BW 0 53.6828 -2.690305
PR25 3BX 0 53.682366 -2.689148
PR25 3BY 0 53.682408 -2.688088
PR25 3DE 0 53.681264 -2.68539
PR25 3DH 0 53.685957 -2.697595
PR25 3DN 0 53.684372 -2.688923