all postcodes in PR25 / LEYLAND

find any address or company within the PR25 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR25 3DP 0 53.683579 -2.686048
PR25 3DQ 1 53.680997 -2.689595
PR25 3DR 0 53.683161 -2.685285
PR25 3DS 0 53.683007 -2.687023
PR25 3DT 0 53.682866 -2.686506
PR25 3DU 0 53.682222 -2.687525
PR25 3DW 0 53.68009 -2.692623
PR25 3DX 0 53.683871 -2.685251
PR25 3DY 0 53.686679 -2.695593
PR25 3EA 1 53.695367 -2.690026
PR25 3EB 0 53.695846 -2.690742
PR25 3ED 3 53.693597 -2.689816
PR25 3EE 0 53.69329 -2.688554
PR25 3EH 0 53.691816 -2.688499
PR25 3EJ 5 53.688746 -2.697156
PR25 3EL 4 53.688039 -2.698265
PR25 3EN 0 53.690733 -2.689345
PR25 3EP 0 53.689547 -2.68766
PR25 3EQ 0 53.68957 -2.686782
PR25 3ER 3 53.691404 -2.686505