all postcodes in PR2 / PRESTON

find any address or company within the PR2 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR2 1DD 7 0 53.766557 -2.727482
PR2 1DE 8 0 53.766439 -2.727708
PR2 1DL 34 1 53.765976 -2.729869
PR2 1DN 38 0 53.767125 -2.728645
PR2 1DP 40 1 53.767492 -2.72894
PR2 1DQ 18 0 53.766607 -2.731139
PR2 1DR 19 0 53.766951 -2.730644
PR2 1DS 23 0 53.76814 -2.73018
PR2 1DT 42 0 53.767096 -2.731982
PR2 1DU 22 1 53.767287 -2.73271
PR2 1DX 26 1 53.768548 -2.731203
PR2 1DY 32 2 53.76861 -2.734239
PR2 1EA 8 0 53.768537 -2.734037
PR2 1EB 32 0 53.768533 -2.732144
PR2 1ED 17 0 53.769073 -2.733412
PR2 1EH 12 0 53.764596 -2.730725
PR2 1EL 39 0 53.766828 -2.734678
PR2 1EN 37 1 53.768448 -2.728364
PR2 1EP 30 0 53.769545 -2.731327
PR2 1EQ 18 4 53.768768 -2.737716