all postcodes in PR2 / PRESTON

find any address or company within the PR2 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR2 1ER 24 4 53.766213 -2.732346
PR2 1ES 21 3 53.768074 -2.736304
PR2 1ET 22 0 53.766388 -2.734488
PR2 1EU 7 0 53.765385 -2.732544
PR2 1EX 22 0 53.765493 -2.733926
PR2 1EY 44 0 53.767361 -2.737175
PR2 1GN 1 1 53.754266 -2.708369
PR2 1GW 1 1 53.754266 -2.708369
PR2 1HA 9 0 53.767393 -2.736311
PR2 1HB 13 0 53.7679 -2.737169
PR2 1HD 7 0 53.767107 -2.735957
PR2 1HE 18 0 53.766957 -2.738564
PR2 1HH 18 0 53.766277 -2.737915
PR2 1HJ 29 0 53.76584 -2.737376
PR2 1HL 15 3 53.765955 -2.740348
PR2 1HN 11 1 53.767472 -2.739589
PR2 1HQ 1 1 53.765848 -2.731748
PR2 1HR 1 1 53.767746 -2.741748
PR2 1HX 28 17 53.770709 -2.73013
PR2 1HY 29 7 53.769732 -2.735957