all postcodes in PR4 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR4 1AA 12 1 53.754056 -2.868508
PR4 1AB 64 2 53.752915 -2.872567
PR4 1AD 43 5 53.750901 -2.886098
PR4 1AE 46 1 53.74854 -2.897755
PR4 1AH 34 4 53.749006 -2.897595
PR4 1AJ 41 0 53.750216 -2.879016
PR4 1AL 20 0 53.751364 -2.878221
PR4 1AN 13 0 53.75047 -2.879977
PR4 1AP 8 0 53.750872 -2.880259
PR4 1AQ 22 0 53.7495 -2.886008
PR4 1AS 4 1 53.748058 -2.898549
PR4 1AT 9 0 53.746982 -2.901801
PR4 1AU 1 1 53.747493 -2.901979
PR4 1AW 23 0 53.750611 -2.885273
PR4 1AX 1 1 53.747123 -2.887732
PR4 1AY 27 1 53.747416 -2.903782
PR4 1AZ 10 0 53.750844 -2.885353
PR4 1BA 8 0 53.747318 -2.902536
PR4 1BB 5 0 53.747148 -2.903655
PR4 1BD 59 1 53.752459 -2.896595