all postcodes in PR5 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR5 6JY 1 1 53.733096 -2.658429
PR5 6LA 24 16 53.730581 -2.661224
PR5 6LB 7 5 53.728431 -2.660375
PR5 6LD 20 8 53.727524 -2.66027
PR5 6LE 16 4 53.726446 -2.660223
PR5 6LH 7 0 53.728505 -2.660073
PR5 6LJ 19 0 53.72838 -2.659935
PR5 6LL 4 0 53.727553 -2.659952
PR5 6LN 25 0 53.727832 -2.659866
PR5 6LP 20 0 53.727123 -2.659627
PR5 6LQ 22 0 53.726295 -2.658235
PR5 6LR 16 0 53.726483 -2.658374
PR5 6LS 31 4 53.725969 -2.658624
PR5 6LT 22 1 53.725772 -2.658424
PR5 6LU 30 0 53.72586 -2.655576
PR5 6LW 4 4 53.726505 -2.659269
PR5 6LX 12 0 53.726234 -2.656264
PR5 6LY 12 0 53.726204 -2.655126
PR5 6NA 38 0 53.724648 -2.656966
PR5 6NB 28 0 53.723752 -2.656361