all postcodes in PR5 / PRESTON

find any address or company within the PR5 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR5 6ND 36 0 53.724753 -2.654134
PR5 6NE 34 0 53.723699 -2.654557
PR5 6NH 10 0 53.725556 -2.653586
PR5 6NJ 14 0 53.724298 -2.655112
PR5 6NL 12 0 53.724122 -2.656125
PR5 6NN 3 0 53.725276 -2.658367
PR5 6NQ 10 0 53.72558 -2.659072
PR5 6NR 27 0 53.729517 -2.65733
PR5 6NS 21 0 53.728456 -2.657496
PR5 6NT 8 0 53.729324 -2.656494
PR5 6NU 42 0 53.730791 -2.652985
PR5 6NX 42 0 53.730069 -2.658339
PR5 6PB 1 1 53.732551 -2.66141
PR5 6PE 1 1 53.733794 -2.662551
PR5 6PJ 15 0 53.731606 -2.651845
PR5 6PL 10 0 53.730283 -2.65375
PR5 6PN 9 0 53.731233 -2.652582
PR5 6PS 18 17 53.738234 -2.658858
PR5 6QA 23 0 53.736943 -2.660418
PR5 6QB 26 0 53.73725 -2.660043