all postcodes in PR6 / CHORLEY

find any address or company within the PR6 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR6 0SW 0 53.652495 -2.618973
PR6 0SX 0 53.652344 -2.616867
PR6 0SY 0 53.653653 -2.617401
PR6 0SZ 0 53.654111 -2.617483
PR6 0TA 0 53.654098 -2.61807
PR6 0TB 1 53.654616 -2.618837
PR6 0TD 0 53.653839 -2.616193
PR6 0TE 1 53.65275 -2.61654
PR6 0TF 0 53.652968 -2.615984
PR6 0TG 0 53.653401 -2.615733
PR6 0TH 0 53.654928 -2.619356
PR6 0TJ 0 53.655314 -2.619528
PR6 0TL 0 53.655673 -2.619715
PR6 0TN 0 53.655182 -2.615471
PR6 0TP 0 53.656139 -2.619964
PR6 0TQ 0 53.654281 -2.615867
PR6 0TR 3 53.655703 -2.619125
PR6 0TS 0 53.656091 -2.618798
PR6 0TU 0 53.6543 -2.619181
PR6 0TW 0 53.653838 -2.614756