all postcodes in PR6 / CHORLEY

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR6 0BJ 7 6 53.653635 -2.62427
PR6 0BN 16 0 53.654605 -2.62445
PR6 0BQ 16 0 53.65727 -2.620268
PR6 0BS 14 0 53.658223 -2.620101
PR6 0BT 1 1 53.657494 -2.618546
PR6 0BW 12 0 53.65463 -2.62492
PR6 0BZ 5 0 53.65678 -2.615782
PR6 0DA 1 1 53.656834 -2.626163
PR6 0DB 35 0 53.65802 -2.624683
PR6 0DD 13 0 53.658355 -2.624082
PR6 0DE 12 0 53.656373 -2.624931
PR6 0DF 29 0 53.657369 -2.625414
PR6 0DG 51 0 53.657254 -2.625004
PR6 0DL 30 0 53.659021 -2.622231
PR6 0DN 56 0 53.659165 -2.624034
PR6 0DP 57 0 53.659065 -2.620612
PR6 0DQ 13 0 53.656865 -2.623788
PR6 0DR 16 5 53.65982 -2.61905
PR6 0DS 33 0 53.659588 -2.620348
PR6 0DT 35 0 53.660326 -2.620116