all postcodes in PR6 / CHORLEY

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR6 0EX 0 53.657617 -2.617338
PR6 0EY 1 53.658875 -2.619217
PR6 0EZ 0 53.654707 -2.616902
PR6 0GN 1 53.653199 -2.625216
PR6 0HA 0 53.658595 -2.624691
PR6 0HB 0 53.649183 -2.623175
PR6 0HD 4 53.648699 -2.62253
PR6 0HE 0 53.658859 -2.620594
PR6 0HF 0 53.658801 -2.623045
PR6 0HG 0 53.65821 -2.620857
PR6 0HH 0 53.660738 -2.625737
PR6 0HJ 0 53.658456 -2.62537
PR6 0HN 1 53.658497 -2.626233
PR6 0HP 1 53.66104 -2.624591
PR6 0HQ 0 53.658387 -2.621419
PR6 0HR 1 53.661404 -2.62384
PR6 0HS 0 53.66032 -2.621281
PR6 0HT 0 53.661672 -2.62042
PR6 0HU 4 53.661291 -2.62096
PR6 0HW 9 53.659913 -2.625225