all postcodes in RG19 / READING

find any address or company within the RG19 postcode district

Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG19 4YJ 9 0 51.396519 -1.245546
RG19 4YQ 0 51.396743 -1.246808
RG19 4YR 0 51.399807 -1.238046
RG19 4ZA 1 51.395433 -1.223759
RG19 4ZB 1 51.397146 -1.221819
RG19 4ZD 3 51.396514 -1.225389
RG19 4ZZ 1 51.393977 -1.244596
RG19 4RL 6 0 51.395466 -1.249631
RG19 4RJ 12 0 51.395274 -1.249117
RG19 4RH 9 0 51.396147 -1.249246
RG19 4RP 5 0 51.395777 -1.250388
RG19 4RR 5 0 51.396085 -1.250685
RG19 4RS 50 0 51.396744 -1.24974
RG19 4RX 0 51.396222 -1.252494
RG19 4RT 0 51.395929 -1.253002
RG19 4RU 0 51.39618 -1.251488
RG19 4RY 0 51.396648 -1.251581
RG19 4RA 0 51.395177 -1.250829
RG19 4RD 0 51.394467 -1.250798
RG19 4SA 0 51.395065 -1.251535