all postcodes in RG19 / READING

find any address or company within the RG19 postcode district

Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RG19 4AS 13 0 51.393191 -1.241131
RG19 6HA 1 51.377581 -1.288569
RG19 6HN 29 51.374981 -1.283853
RG19 6HP 4 51.372751 -1.277845
RG19 6HR 5 51.373232 -1.277148
RG19 6HS 9 51.373175 -1.278149
RG19 6HW 23 51.373325 -1.280632
RG19 6YP 1 51.393977 -1.244577
RG19 6HD 2 51.37333 -1.278497
RG19 6HT 20 8 51.372771 -1.276891
RG19 6HU 3 2 51.372644 -1.276668
RG19 6HX 6 6 51.377056 -1.290991
RG19 8AA 0 51.361377 -1.257829
RG19 8AB 0 51.361147 -1.261266
RG19 8AD 2 51.360007 -1.257291
RG19 8AE 0 51.358982 -1.258744
RG19 8AG 1 51.361684 -1.25667
RG19 8AH 0 51.368163 -1.25035
RG19 8AJ 1 51.36123 -1.253149
RG19 8AL 0 51.362495 -1.251285